Friday, May 11, 2012

What Hot Dudes DO Do, Again...

Wear Suspenders.

 Not only are they functional (dudes, it isn't attractive to have your butt cheeks hanging out between the space where your PANTS SHOULD BE, these dudes will hold that pants right up) but they also look super attractive... unless you wear them like this:

A little frightening... so uh wear them like Matt Hires does....Please.
Another thing... they are sort of like a leash for your man, like those leashes for your baby, except for adults. Also if you get mad you can just snap them in the nips.

Have Appropriate Facial Hair. 
 Sometimes a good facial hair makes a man look so MANLY. And men, you should be excited... because well, less face shaving for you.     
  Here's R Pats without facial hair. Still Good... BUT...

Here's R Pats with facial hair... which is like 1 billion times better.

Brandon Flowers Without Facial Hair. Good.

         Brandon Flowers with Facial Hair Better.

Sometimes just a stache is good. There's something about the stache...Only a certain type of good looking man can pull off just the stache and that kind of man is suave... like:
Jean Dujardin... He's so French it's crazy.
A man with a stache can also be just plain bad ass like:
That Stache won't quit. If someone died from a mustache, it would've been Jason Shwartzman's mustache who murdered you. Just sayin'.

Like to Read Books. 
I just appreciate a man who reads books... although if you really want to impress a girl namely me... Jurassic Park should probably be your favorite.
Here's James Franco reading... and also he has a stache... talk about good news.

Be Funny.
Nothing is more barfy then a pretentious snob who only wants to talk about politics and different kinds of insurance or whatever it is that serious people talk about. Have you ever noticed how much better looking a guy gets when he is funny? It's like wow suddenly BLAM good looks appear on that face that once was ordinary. Some of these guys are:
Jason Segel (dating Michelle Williams)

 Jason Sedeikis (dated January Jones and now is dating Olivia Wilde)
Charlie Day
(His wife is hot and I don't know her name)

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