Monday, July 2, 2012

Hot Dudes: The Dead Guys.

Sometimes I feel as if I am an old soul, falling for those who are dead. It's an unfortunate thing since I am very much alive (or just regular alive, very much alive would mean I'd be doing really interesting things and dating the dudes I speak about in my blog). We can't forget about the dead because they were still good looking dudes and just because they are six feet under doesn't mean they don't exist in the minds of those who lust over good looking dudes.

Gene Kelly.
Man, more men should wear sweaters like this, 4 real, take my gd advice and do it.
 Awe Gene Kelly, I once wrote a poem about a girl being sad that he was dead because she was deeply in love with him but she was seven and didn't realize that he was no longer alive. Yeah that wasn't me because I knew he was dead for a long time... Some people may be turned off by his singing dancing ways but those people need to turn the switch back on. Look at that face, and watch the pirate to see his hot bod (yeah he's wearing hot pants in this movie but he's a pirate which is manly so it counteracts it. And I for one don't mind the hot pants because of the muscles that are revealed).

For all we know a shark bit off the rest of his pants.

Heath Ledger.

 It might be too soon to talk about him because he didn't die that long ago and we all saw him as alive, and he died so young. But he's the Australian that tugged on our heart strings when he played that sexy knight who danced to modern music even though it was in medieval times (that part of the knights tale was so weird to me that's why I am speaking of it now in this blog post... did anyone else get bothered by that?).  He occasionally played the weird looking ugly guy, but somehow his dashing good looks were not hidden, you still found yourself attracted to him. We love you sir hottie hot hot.

Paul Newman. 

Do you ever find yourself walking down the dressings isle and you are like which salad dressing should I get? Then you always go for the Paul Newman... if you don't know about salad dressings (like me) you go for the most attractive one.
 I think Paul Newman is the definition of the phrase "those blue eyes are burning my soul" I don't know if that is a phrase people use, but I use it.

James Dean.

Ever wonder why women go after the bad boy? It's because of James Dean, 100% hands down the reason. When a lady sees a dude with a motorcycle and a ciggy in mouth and a bad ass attitude we all picture James Dean. Then we realize that they aren't James Dean and that smoking causes cancer and when you ride motorcycles sometimes you have a rat tail and that bad ass attitude sometimes gets you murdered... but then again, if he looked like James Dean I would date him.

Yes these guys are dead but if there was a time machine, I know that we would all go back in time and save James Dean's and Heath Ledger's lives and then force them to marry us because we saved them..... and for the ones who died from being old, well we would've taken advantage of their youngness and perhaps spend the rest of their lives with them.

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