Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hot Dudes: Top Ten of 2012

As the end of the year has come to an end there are all these countdowns of things. Best songs, best movies, sexiest man alive (come on Channing Tatum? Who chose that guy? Someone who likes male strippers probably).
Here's my top ten dudes of 2012. These dudes don't necessarily have to do with the year 2012 they have to do with my personal discovery of their good lookingness or I just think they deserve to be put on a hot dudes list. 

10.  Country Winston Marshall

Country Winston is awesome. He's in a little band called Mumford and Sons. He plays the awesome instrument called the banjo. Many people may not understand this unless you were lucky enough to see them live in concert. This dude got the moves when playin the banjo. He also is hilarious.
Banjo rolls for days.
And those jorts, who can pull off jorts? Country Winston, that's who. 

9. Chris Messina 

 In 2012 Chris Messina was in two things that I love (The Mindy Project and Jesse and Celeste Forever) , and this is where I was like Woah who is that awesome dude with the crazy good upper lip? Did you catch that episode of The Mindy Project where Chris Messina has those amazing dance moves? Because I did, and I liked it.

8. Matt Hires
 This is Matt Hires for those who don't know. He's a hipster girls dream he wears tight pants and plays the guitar and sings like a champion. What's not to love? If your not convinced by this picture (who are we kidding? That is a good picture and you are convinced), but we all want to see him play music.
See what I mean? Talent and the looks, best of both worlds.
Plus, this one time he recognized me at a concert as his fb friend.

7. Phillip Phillips
I am a 22 year old woman, American Idol is probably the last thing on the list of things for me to watch (that show is for middle aged women and pre teens). Anyways, the point of me telling you this is because there is a new American Idol named Phillip Phillips (I think his parents were playing a practical joke on him with that name (Is that really his name? Does anyone know?))
So I hear this dude on the radio and I was like "woah, this is good sounding" but I thought he'd look somewhat of an old guy because his voice reminds me of Dave Matthews. Well guess what, he isn't old he's really a good looking young man. Why is he unlike any other American Idol? Because he sings music I actually like.

6. Wesley in The Lumineers

This little band popped into the scene this past year of 2012. Wesley writes songs that make grown women bawl at their concerts as if she were a pre teen at a boy band concert. That's for real, I won't say who it was (it was my sister). He also has hair that looks like he leans on things, like one of those models. 

That song. My goodness. I bet you're jealous because I spent New Years Eve with them. You are, I know it.

5. Taylor Hanson
Taylor Hanson pretty did nothing with the year 2012 except making a video of destroying guitars and vacuums, oh also there was that thing where he crushed everyone's dreams by having another child. He laughs in the face of the divorce statistics and keeps on being married.
Here's that video. How bout for year 2013 you go on tour and stop having babies, k?

4. Zac Efron
Remember this year when Zac Efron was in that movie where he was shown really strong and lifting heavy objects, that was nice! Oh he was also the voice in the movie The Lorax which means he has got a sensitive side? Also apparently Taylor Swift wrote a song about him, at least I stumbled upon a picture that said she did, I don't really know, I believe the internet. There is also an instagram page dedicated to him and I really think the girl thinks she is going to marry him, that's how good looking he is.
 I had to do a shirtless picture, I just had to.

3. Aaron Johnson
Who could look this good as a blonde when his natural hair color is brown, there aren't many, and he's one of them. And I am all about the staches. I love a good stache. It's curly even. Oh and his hair are just these gorgeous locks. You're right Kiera, he is a murderer.
Oh he was also in that movie where he had dreadlocks and a poly-amorous relationship with that girl from Gossip Girl who I once saw the back of her head in real life. I think he was shirtless in that movie too. I think he also had a baby this year, which sucks for all of us. (come one your wife is like twenty years older than you!)

2. Gael Garcia Bernal

This year is the year I discovered the hottest Mexican alive.
He's the most popular page on my blog. He was in that funny movie with Will Farell that I watched half of because my eyes wig out when I read subtitles. He was also in that movie where he was a doctor and falls in love with a cancer patient who DIES. He cries in that movie. And if you follow my blog you know I love crying boys in movies. He also makes a beautiful woman because he plays a cross dresser in a movie. As you know from  earlier I have this love for upper lip fascination. As you can tell he has a great upper lip.

1. Jesse Williams

This is the year that I caught up in my Grey's Anatomy, and I stumble upon this gorgeous human. How have I never seen him before this? I don't know. It's like being raised underground your entire life and then realizing the world isn't over and seeing the sun for the first time... except less drastic. It's more like seeing a really good looking person for the first time. He those adorable freckles that flecked perfectly across that nose of his. And those eyes, how is it possible? I think some people are born to be famous because they are beautiful, he'd be one of those people.
I also love collar bones. Check them puppies out.
Other reasons why I like him. I follow him on twitter and Instagram. He likes food and I like food, weird. His food looks way better than my food most of the time. I don't get how he is so fit, he eats lots of food. He also takes pictures of art that is neato cool. And also weird things that he sees. Things he doesn't do: take pictures of his face. That's a little unfortunate but sometimes when all your pictures of your face (Justin Bieber (I do follow jbiebs, I have to see what's all the hype is about. Lots of pouty faces)).
Here's a picture of him shirtless.
Awe to the yeah. 
Also because life has to be crap bags he's married but what can you do? 

So there it is. My list. If you don't like it then make your own on your own blog. YAY 2012! Let's see what 2013 has to bring us in hot dudes!

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