Monday, October 22, 2012

Hot Dudess: Happy Birthday to the Zacs.

Well if you are a normal person, really your birthday is a sad thing, it's a step closer to your death and a step closer for you being old and ugly (unless you are one of those jerks who gets better looking as you age (guess what, if you live long enough there is no such thing as a sexy 80 year old)). If you aren't a normal person aka a celebrity, everyone cares that it's your birthday, because the day you were born you made the world like a million times better looking (and a million times worse because most people will never have sex with you).
October is the month of hotties named Zac: Zac Efron and Zac Hanson. YAY!

Zac Efron
There once was a time where you were a normal person, and yes, a little weird looking, but a little Disney project called High School Musical came out (and you fixed your weird teeth (it's his birthday so I'm not posting his weird looking phase K?)) and fame followed. And fame has done you well, real well.
Dear Mommy Efron: THANK YOU! Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for possibly ruining your bod to birth this man. Thank you! And Zac Efron, thank you for being alive and thank you for always having your shirt off lots of the time. Finding pictures of you with your shirt off is the easiest thing. And I like it. So happy birthday.

Zac Hanson

Oh Zac Hanson. Zac Hanson. You have the voice of a beautiful man angel that fell down from a place where hot people exist and are really talented and are really nice, probably. (I once sort of talked to him so I know. He also told my sister that my brother would probably save her if she was being attacked by a shark, which is a nice thing to say.)
He is proof that if you are a cute child then most likely you'll become an attractive adult.
Now here he is as an adult:

Dear Mommy Hanson: THANK YOU! DEAR LORD THANK YOU! Man have you ever seen anyone pull of aviators with such grace? I haven't. He wins.
How does he know The Beatles and Hanson are both my weaknesses? He knows, and it kills me with hottness, KILLS ME! That Hair! That TALENT! HAPPY FUCKIN BIRTHDAY!
(interesting fact: his birthday is a day before mine, so that means... something I am sure.)


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