Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Hot Dudes: The Ones With the Brows.

Most of the time dudes have eyebrows. Unless you're this guy:

Eyebrows. Well I don't know how to explain the phenomenon. It's not the bushy brow, but sort of is. It's more like just "the brow". It's almost as if his eyebrows are waving at you but not, because that's creepy, but it's the feeling of that, in a good way. It seems that when someone has the brows that I speak of they also have those puppy dog eyes. Always melting your soul with those puppy dog eyes and those GD brows.  

Lee Pace
A little bushy yes, but that just makes him adorable. I figured it out! The brows make them look like they are listening to every word. They are the ears of the eyes.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan
DENNY! Oh Denny. I always say I wish a boy would love me like Denny loves Izzy. It's those eyebrows, so full of love.

 And then he cries. This may have nothing to do with his eyebrows, I just like it when guys cry and they have fantastic eyebrows. 

Robby from Milo Greene
Hello saucy brows. I've met you in person. You make me feel uncomfortable because you stare into my eyes and then I get nervous because those brows are burrowing into my eyes and it's awful.

Andrew Garfield 
That eye brow... ruffling, it's quizzical and puppy like. Frames to the windows of the soul.

Jake Gyllenhaul... (No idea how to spell that)
You would think those forehead wrinkles would make them old, but no, but NO, just good.

Robert Downy Jr., RobDownJ, RDJr. 
The brows. The End.



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