Sunday, June 16, 2013

Hot Dudes: Boy Bands

I don't know about you but I was once a teenage female. And let me tell you, it was rough. You know what helps a young lady cope with your uterus leaking and having your body be out of proportion? Boy Bands. Here's how:

They have cute-ish faces. 
They can't all be super babes or it would cause teenage girls to implode. For example the guys in the back row of new kids on the block (that's why they are in the back). You need some not cute guys to balance out the world.
There's always the shining star and then the rest are "eh".
Obviously the shining star is JT.
Here's the deal. There will always be those girls who claim to love the "eh" guys because it seems slightly more likely that they can marry them one day.

Hotties are most def Nick and Brian in Backstreet Boys.
I hate all of 98 degrees. BOO! What do they even sing? Nobody even knows.
I don't even know what is happening here. But teens eat this shit up. Harry is the cute one (also the best on twitter, not that I would know that.) I the rest have strange flaws like giant neck moles, weird teeth, troll hair, and earrings.

They Pretend They Like Normal Girls 
Most girls are normal girls. I mean there are a few gorgeous girls and what not, but most humans are normal (unless of course, you are rich (then it normal people can become gorgeous people because they have the money to do so). The thing is, us normal girls like to think it is possible that a non-normal beautiful famous man would be in love with us. Boy bands like to trick girls into thinking that this could happen with them because of the lyrics of their songs that they don't write themselves. Girls eat this shit up case-in-point the movie Twilight.

Example: One Direction's song "What Makes You Beautiful"
Here are some lines from this song:
Don't need make-up, 
To cover up, 
Being the way that you are is enough 

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe
You don't know, 
Oh oh,
you don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh, 
That's what makes you beautiful. 

Yeah one direction, I'm SURE that's what you're attracted to.

Example: Backstreet Boys "As Long As You Love Me"

I don't care who you are
where you're from 
What you did
As long as you love me. 

So you pretty much they don't care who you are AS LONG as YOU love THEM.

Their Willingness to be Shirtless. 
There is always one member of these boy bands that is always shirtless, and teenagers love shirtless men. LOVE THEM.
Howie was always the shirtless one in BSB, this music video scared me when it came out because I was like 8 and it was filled with wet  body rolls for days.

I really don't know why these dudes go shirtless? Because really they look like tiny baby boy bodies. 

I always thought 98 degrees sucked and I also thought they were too strong, who wants a dude who has bigger boobs than themselves. 
Also teens love hairless bodies? 

They Have THE best dance moves. 
That face changing technology is crazy advanced. Plus you can't go wrong with chair dance moves. 

This could probably be the best thing I've ever seen ever, in my entire life. 
OOOhhhh... those pleather outfits are HOTTT!!!!
The moral of the story is: Boy bands drive chicks CRAZY! Crazy enough that they have entire scrapbooks dedicated to these boy bands. How do I know? because my sister was one of them. 

If you were wondering. Those are a charm bracelet and pins with bsb faces, tattooes, and you can't really tell but that is a giant pencil to write in a bsb themed notebook. 

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